


join the club


Join the nearly 1 million Californians who already have solar. Panel efficiency is high, the installation process is easy, and you may still qualify for a 26% federal tax credit before it expires.


save today


Even if your electricity bill is just $75/month, solar can save you tens of thousands of dollars. That’s because utility costs increase on average 4-6% each year. Track how much you can save each year below.



This chart is intended for educational purposes only. Exact utility costs and increase vary per household.


system size


Our consultants will accurately analyze your electrical usage to determine how many panels you'll need. After shading analysis and engineering, we can show you where your system will go prior to installation.


choose your panels


You can’t choose your utility provider — but you can choose your panels. We provide high-efficiency Tier-1 panels coupled with the industry’s top inverters. These panels boast production guarantees up to 25 years.




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